The Saint John Region Chamber of Commerce is marking a significant membership milestone.
Chamber officials say they just onboarded their 150th new member of the year last week.
That is the same number to join the chamber in the preceding 10 years combined.
CEO Tracy Bell, who joined the chamber in March, said this is an important milestone for two reasons.
First, she said, it illustrates a renewed recognition from business owners of the importance of a strong network in achieving business growth.
In addition, Bell added it signals the interest of businesses in the Saint John region to join together in helping realize our collective growth.
“Regardless of the advances and advantages technology provides to improve operations and realize efficiencies, there is still no replacement for the value of true human-to-human connection in business,” she said.
“The ability to connect with a community of like-minded individuals to solve problems, find local suppliers, build trust with customers, or develop new markets is easier when you’re part of a membership-based organization working toward a common objective of growth.”
Three-quarters of new members are solopreneurs or owner-operators with fewer than five employees, one-quarter have moved to the Saint John region from outside Atlantic Canada in recent years and nearly half are women-owned or women-led businesses.